Salah Zalatimo, CEO at Voice, just published a post about the decentralized social media backed by Block.One in which he announced the long-awaited launch of the worldwide platform. Indeed, the Voice will be released to the world on July 4th, in less than a month!
VOICE는 Block.One에서 만든 소셜미디어 서비스로 지난 2월 14일 미국인들을 대상으로 베타서비스를 시작했는데요,
This Social Network Wants to Pay You (in Crypto) to Do Good raised $4 billion in 2018 by promising to build a decentralized, blockchain-based platform. Now its social network wants to encourage quality posts.
미국시간으로 어제 저녁, VOICE의 CEO(前 FORBES Cheif Digital Officer) Salah Zalatimo는
다음달 7월 4일 VOICE를 전세계 무료 공개 한다고 포스팅했습니다.
On July 4, Voice will be set free to the world! | EOS Go News
Salah Zalatimo, CEO at Voice, just published a post about the decentralized social media backed by Block.One in which he announced the long-awaited launch...
The Fourth of July also marks Independence Day in the United States, which plays in well with what Voice is trying to accomplish for the global population. The world release of Voice on July 4 is likely to be a global extension of the beta app. As we reported two months back, Voice is expected to be in beta for a year, with the full version of the app to be officially launched in Q1 2021.
7월 4일은 미국의 독립 기념일로,
기존의 SNS 서비스(페이스북, 트위터, 스냅챗 등)로부터 독립?하는 의미로 날짜를 선정한 것 같습니다.
약 1년 정도의 베타서비스를 거쳐, 2021년 1분기 중으로 정식 앱이 공개될 예정이라고 하네요.
덕분에 EOS 가격이 오랜기간 횡보를 하다, 3,400원을 돌파했네요.
Block.One의 CEO인 Brendan Blumer도 최근 트위터를 통해
"EOS의 출시 2주년을 축하하며, 올해는 EOS의 최고의 한 해가 될 것"이라는 언급을 했는데,
시장에서는 VOICE를 염두해 두고, 한 언급이 아니냐는 추측이 무성합니다.
Salah Zalatimo, CEO at Voice, just published a post about the decentralized social media backed by Block.One in which he announced the long-awaited launch of the worldwide platform. Indeed, the Voice will be released to the world on July 4th, in less than a month!
Below is Salah's article:
"Content moderation is a legal requirement for all platforms, including Voice. Some forms of speech are illegal, for example (and not limited to): criminal, abusive or violent content, sexual exploitation of children, violations of privacy, and, in some circumstances, speech that incites hate or violence. When the content is blatantly illegal, we will remove it immediately.
But these forms of speech are not always clear cut. Often, a judgement call needs to be made to determine if a piece of content crosses the line. The higher level question that no one seems to be asking today is: who should be making that judgment call? Corporate executives? Government regulators? Councils of elite thinkers?
Here's a crazy idea, why not let the people decide? Empower them. Architect the platform to eradicate bots by verifying identities, eliminate targeted propaganda by protecting your personal data, and prevent political corruption by organizing into communities that have the tools to effectively self-govern.
Yes, you are right. Its too late for Facebook & Co. to make these changes - even if they wanted to. Our only alternative is to build a new social media that puts its members above all else. On July 4, we will set Voice free on the world. Our journey begins there.
"On July 4, we will set Voice free on the world."
This is indeed a fantastic and unexpected news! Finally we might test Voice, and see if it really has what it takes to become the future of social networks.
Voice To Launch In July 4, 2020!
With the world currently facing an unstable political landscape and social media giants censoring certain narratives, it is becoming clearer
Where truth has a voice | Voice
Media has not been a good friend to us. That’s why we built Voice – a platform to amplify transparency and authenticity. Sign up now to claim your voice.
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